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Weekday Mornings 6:30am / 8:00am
Friday Evenings - 10 minutes after Candle Lighting
Shabbos Morning - 9:00am

Friendship and Marriage Program Visits To The Disabled Kashruth Information Free Jewish Burial Plots Rabinnical Endorsements

Bar & Bat Mitzvah

When a young boy or girl reaches the age of 13 and 12, respectively, they achieve a significant milestone in their lives as Jews. Perhaps one of the most meaningful aspects of this exciting event is the reading of a Torah portion before the entire congregation. But it can also be a challenging experience for a visually impaired child, as they are faced with the task of learning new material typically available only in small print.

The Jewish Heritage for the Blind understands this difficulty and offers its assistance by providing training and study sessions in preparation for the Torah reading. We will provide the necessary resources, such as tutorial services, enlarged or Braille text, and cassette-recorded readings to facilitate the learning process. It is our way of warmly welcoming the visually handicapped to an adulthood of Torah and mitzvos.

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Friendship and Marriage Program

The Jewish Heritage for the Blind ceaselessly strives to help the visually impaired remain active, accomplished, and independent members of the community. Aside from supplying large print and Braille material, and providing a host of resources and services, we also aid in meeting the social and interpersonal needs of the handicapped. We offer our assistance in arranging friendship meetings, singles get-togethers and small gatherings for handicapped persons of the Jewish faith. These programs allow the visually impaired to meet others in a comfortable, positive environment and bring them in contact with individuals who may share similar backgrounds and common interests. Anyone who would like more information about this exciting opportunity may contact our offices.

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Visits To The Disabled

The Jewish Heritage continually recognizes the importance that the handicapped hold in helping us maintain and upgrade our various activities.

This is why we try to do whatever we can to strengthen and develop our connection with the community. One of the ways we achieve this goal is by visiting nursing homes, social centers, and facilities for the disabled. Arriving with coordinated programs, fun-filled activities, learning material, and a cheerful attitude, we do our utmost to brighten the lives of the men and women we visit. Our stays are met with enthusiasm and appreciation, and are awaited for by all those we encounter.


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Kashruth Information

At the heart of every Jewish home is Kashruth - the dietary laws and restrictions that signify our commitment and unwavering devotion to Hashem. There is never a time when this concept is so evident, as during the weeks surrounding the holiday of Passover, when we busily scrub clean every corner of our houses and strive to make each room completely “Chometz”-free. It is during Passover, too, that we take upon ourselves extra limitations regarding the purity of the foods we eat and products we use. To make life a little easier, especially for those who are visually impaired, the Jewish Heritage has made available a large print Directory of Kosher for Passover O-U Products. This handy, comprehensive guide alphabetically lists specific, kosher for Passover items and the companies that manufacture them. For more information, you may contact our offices or send us your written inquiries.


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Sefer Torah Project

The Jewish Heritage has always been proud to serve the community in any possible way. An especially difficult and painful time of need is experienced upon the loss of a relative or friend. To ease some of the burdensome worries and offer any solace it can, the Jewish Heritage offers a Sefer Torah to the families of the deceased during the Shiva period. The Sefer Torah is given on a loan basis, free of charge, for the week of mourning to those residing in the Flatbush/Boro Park vicinity. Anyone needing to utilize this service may contact our offices at 718-338-4999 to make the necessary arrangements.


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Rabinnical Endorsements

The Jewish Heritage for the Blind is proud to have merited the endorsement of prominent Rabbis and Roshei Yeshivos in the United States and overseas. Their approbation has been a source of encouragement and support in expanding our activities and better serving the needs of the blind community. Among the great spiritual leaders to whom we extend our sincere thanks and appreciation are:

Harav Pinchos Menachem Alter,
Gerrer Rebbe zt”l
Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l
Harav Shmuel Berenbau
Harav Yosef Shlomo Elyashiv
Harav Solomon Halberstam
Harav Yaakov Kamenetzky zt”l
Harav Menashe Klein, Ungaver Rebbe
Harav Avrohom Pam
Harav Yaakov Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe
Harav Yissocher Dov Rokeach, Belzer Rebbe
Harav Aaron M. Schechter
Harav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg
Harav Abba Shaul
Harav Moshe Stern zt”l, Debrecener Rebbe
Harav Shlomo Wolbe
Harav Ovadiah Yosef


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